Monday, November 17, 2008

The really Lost 1968 roll FOUND!!!!

The Hero: Larry Rabinowitz. Yes Larry. 20 years ago Larry took it upon himself to preserve the films. He had them transferred to VHS at his own expense. Stuck in the pile was 1968. That Film no longer exists. Great shots of the Aladdin Hotel. water skiing. Dancing and some nice shots of me in drag. I was always ahead of my time. Thanks Larry! Now we have to change the years covered by DVD.


Unknown said...

Hello I don't know if this page is still being monitored my name is Michael Brodsky I'm interested in obtaining your videos from 1965 to 1967. Are these videos a Fillmore Day Camp I am extremely interested because I did go to this camp and there are so few please contact me at my email or my telephone number 516 965-8957 I went to Fillmore Day Camp from 65 to 1968 I lived on Avenue O and East 59th Street my email is PS I believe Maxine was one of the

Unknown said...

Hello I don't know if this page is still being monitored my name is Michael Brodsky I'm interested in obtaining your videos from 1965 to 1967. Are these videos a Fillmore Day Camp I am extremely interested because I did go to this camp and there are so few please contact me at my email or my telephone number 516 965-8957 I went to Fillmore Day Camp from 65 to 1968 I lived on Avenue O and East 59th Street my email is PS I believe Maxine was one of the